For suppliers Key point of our purchasing department is an ability to make decisions quickly and competently, taking into account partners' mutual benefit. Reduction of bureaucratic procedures allows to accelerate business processes. And our professional managers are a guarantee of reached arrangements abidance. During years of work we have established relations with most active representatives of effective pharmaceutical enterprises, who build their relations with suppliers by the rule "time is money". Well-functioning transport logistics is subordinated to this principle as well. Computerized warehouse which is comveniently located in Moscow transport scheme allows us to bring our services more in line with consumers. Our services work round-the-clock. We would like to draw pharmaceutical manufacturing companies' attention to our partners: it is a whole layer of pharmaceutical institutions which can not be found on Internet as they are individual pharmacies and small or medium pharmacy networks, which is at least 40% of out-patient sector of pharmaceutical distribution of Moscow region. We build cooperation on the principles of maximum financial effectiveness offering our partners best prices on the minimum delay of payment. On similar terms we are ready to cooperate with distributors to help them fulfil contract obligations and to provide fast return of finances. Please feel free to contact our experts to get professional advice on our bank services.. You can contact us by phone, by e-mail or arrange a meeting at out office. We will be glad to help you and answer all your question. |
Our addresses
Warehouse : Khimki, Moscow region, Vashutinskoye shosse, vl13B
Office : Moscow, Prishvina Street, 8k2, RTS Altufievsky.
+7 499 372-15-06, +7 499 995-12-03,
Work schedule:
Mon - Thu 8:00 - 22:00, Fri 8:00 - 17:00, Sat - Weekend, Sun 17:00 - 22:00
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